Things to keep in mind when selecting your domain name:
Tip ONE – Stay with the dot com extension as opposed to .biz .net .us or any others. Most people are familiar with .com and if per chance they are trying to recall it, they are 10 times more likely to type in .com than any other extension….and if someone else already got the .com extension compared to your .net , .biz or whatever extension you chose, you may potential lose customers. Now granted, dot com domain names are getting more difficult to get, but with some creativity and some of the additional hints below, you should be on your way to choosing a successful one.
Tip TWO – Think about the keywords of the site you are creating. What is the most prominent words of your product or site and focus on developing a name around those keywords. Case in point – my site Notice the keywords that I utilized in the domain name: “work from home”, “business” and “report”. Keyword rich name. Notice the keywords that I used. These are keywords that people would use when typing in a search in Google or Yahoo or any other search engine of choice. So, the end result is that by having those key words in my domain name will help in search engine rankings as those keywords will rank high in the search since it is in the url (important note: this will only help if your content is relevant to the key words being used as the search engine algorithms will look at the relevancy and weight of keywords to the search term). Great news is that most of your name registration web sites offer some type of suggestion tool if the one you typed in is already taken.
Tip THREE – Reserve the your selection for longer than one year. Why? Once again Google and the other search engine look favorably upon a registration that is more than just the standard 1 year. What that says to them, is that you are not just a “here today, gone tomorrow” website, so by reserving a name for 2 or more years, it says that you may potentially be around for a while. This once again this ultimately helps in your search engine rankings. Also, with the price of reserving a domain name today, this won’t break the bank.
Tip FOUR – DON’T pay more than $15.00 for a name. Yes, believe it or not there are still registration sites that still charge as much as $35.00 for a 1 year registration! Don’t be fooled into paying more than $15.00….and in some cases you can even get one for FREE when you sign up for hosting and such. Also look for well established registration services like those below. Go Daddy even offers names $1.99 with a purchase of any non domain name product.
Well, there you have it. Some food for thought to get you started on working from home and creating a “name” for yourself and for your web site.